It’s time to take a shelfie! There’s nothing I love more than doing a deep dive into the #shelfie tag on Instagram or twitter. There are so many different ways to create the perfect bookshelf, and I never tire of looking at them! Below are some of my favorite bookshelves that will give you total shelf envy.

These Bookshelves Will Totally Give You Shelf Envy

Bookshelves organized by color:

Those colors! ?

The cat adds the perfect finishing touch to this #shelfie.



Stacking books floor to ceiling:

You can truly never have too many books!

Bookshelves with cool shapes:

Can we also just talk about how amazing this green?!

Making a cozy place to sit by your shelves:

A delightful outdoor bookshelf:

Rain or shine, we’ll totally hang out here!

Feeling the urge to fill your shelves up with some new books? Check out this list of series starters that we know you’re going to love!