The Program Collection (Boxed Set)
Suzanne Young’s complete New York Times bestselling Program series—which Booklist called “a fast-paced story that combines an intriguing premise, a sexy romance, and a shifting landscape of truth” in a starred review—is now available in a hardcover boxed set with a reimagined look!
With teen suicide now an international epidemic, all adolescents are under constant scrutiny, with any change in mood landing them in The Program, the uncompromising “treatment” that returns patients as shadows of their former selves—blank slates with no memory of their depression…or anything else. What can be done when cures are just as brutal as the disease? Even the Adjustment, meant to undo The Program’s damage with an influx of donated memories, leaves teens at odds with themselves. Still, there are some determined to fight back.
Sloane and James hope their love can survive stolen memories in The Program and The Treatment. Quinn’s adventures as a closer—someone who spends her life playing the role of the recently deceased to give their families closure—show how The Program came to be in The Remedy and The Epidemic. Tatum and Weston struggle to reclaim their lives and their love after Wes is released from The Program in The Adjustment, and The Complication brings all six teens together in the shocking series conclusion.
This thrilling hardcover boxed set includes:
The Program
The Treatment
The Remedy
The Epidemic
The Adjustment
The Complication