In a world where past lives determine your future, a sharp-witted girl confronts a major twist of destiny, embroiling her in a high-stakes game of danger, corruption, and heartbreak in this young adult speculative romance perfect for fans of Scythe and Matched.
Acclaimed author Jeannine Atkins revisits her past in this brave and powerful memoir-in-verse about memory, healing, and finding her voice as a writer, perfect for fans of Amber Smith and Speak.
Haley must return to Willowweep to solve the mystery behind her friends vanishing in this hilarious sequel to the “well-paced and humorous…delightfully spirited” (Kirkus Reviews) young adult graphic novel The Dire Days of Willowweep Manor.
Romance, friendship, and bone-chilling fear fill the pages of this “haunting modern-day folktale” (April Genevieve Tucholke, author of Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea) about a teen whose repressed memories begin to surface when a body is discovered in her small town—now with updated text and a brand-new look!
A captivating, heartrending novel about a Korean American teen navigating grief and first love who agrees to accept money from her estranged father in exchange for letting him get to know her—for fans of Nina LaCour, Kathleen Glasgow, and All My Rage.
Available on August 19, 2025
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