Some books need a warning label before you read them because they’re just SO GOOD (or will break your heart in a million pieces), so with that in mind, we would absolutely never EVER recommend these reads unless you want to be thinking about them for the rest of your days.

Curious Tides is TOO gorgeous and TOO atmospheric. You’ll be left wishing Aldryn College of Lunar Magics was real and wishing Stranger Skies (out in November) was already in your hands.
- Amelia

I would not recommend The Ballad of Darcy & Russell if you are a hopeless romantic. This meet-cute will just solidify your beliefs in soulmates, romantic gestures, and fairytale moments. Morgan Matson's sweeping romance is about love, fate, and that one night that can change everything.
- Lindsey

I can't recommend Better Than the Movies because you’ll want to live the rest of your life through unrealistic rom-com tropes!
- Remi

I was so caught up when reading Bloodmarked that I had to let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding!
- Bezi

I would never recommend Delicious Monsters because you’d never be able to put it down and would have to cancel all your plans. Its mystery is too intriguing and its twists will give you whiplash. Read at your own risk!
- Saleena

You absolutely can NOT read Powerless because Kai Azer will ruin all other love interests for you! You'll be Team Kai for LIFE.
- Amy