Tell Us Your Favorite Gelato Flavor and We’ll Tell You Your Perfect Vacation Destination!
Summer is just around the corner, which means road trips, Italian sunshine, mysterious family history, a little romance, and lots of gelato. At least it does for Lina in Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch. Lina finds herself in Italy and has quite the whirlwind of a summer. How does a teenager end up […] -
When Dimple Met Rishi Quiz!
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon is a hot topic right now. Chances are, you’ve already heard of it, but if not, here’s what it’s about: Dimple Shah has it all figured out. With graduation behind her, she’s more than ready for a break from her family, from Mamma’s inexplicable obsession with her finding the “Ideal […] -
Poll: Do You Believe in Bigfoot?
In The Shadows We Know By Heart by Jennifer Park, Leah has a secret: sasquatches are real, and she’s been watching a trio of them in the woods behind her house for years. Leah would hardly be the first person in history to have a sasquatch sighting. In fact, sightings of hairy, nude, and ridiculously strong people living […] -
Which YA book should you read based on your favorite Gelato flavor?
Have you fallen in love with Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch yet? If you haven’t, read the extended excerpt we’re currently featuring and you will! A summer in Italy turns into a road trip across Tuscany in this sweeping debut novel filled with romance, mystery, and adventure. When Lina has to spend the […] -
Which Morgan Matson Character Are You?
Which Morgan Matson character are you? Take the quiz and find out! There’s Amy from Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour, Emily from Since You’ve Been Gone, or Andie from Morgan’s most recent (and New York Times Bestselling) release, The Unexpected Everything! Which character did you get? Tell us in the comments! Read the first 4 chapters of The Unexpected Everything though […] -
The Ultimate Fan Quiz for Cassandra Clare’s City of Bones
Do you think you know City of Bones by Cassandra Clare? Test your knowledge of the first book in the Mortal Instruments series with this quiz! Be ready, this quiz forces you to remember the nitty gritty—it’s all about the details. Did you slay this quiz? Take the Mortal Instruments quiz!