From Twinkle With Love by Sandhya Menon

The Riveted Team is so thrilled to welcome Sandhya Menon, author of When Dimple Met Rishi  on this International Women’s Day. We asked her to talk about her favorite female filmmakers and what she loves about them. Just like in the upcoming From Twinkle, with Lovewe’re so grateful for the amazing women who make incredible art to share with the world. Thanks so much, Sandhya! 

Mira Nair

Fave quote: Making films is about having absolute and foolish confidence; the challenge for all of us is to have the heart of a poet and the skin of an elephant. (I so relate to that as a novelist!)

Why I love her: Monsoon Wedding kind of put Indian weddings and movies on the map in the Western world. Mira Nair is the feminist, mega-talented Desi artist I want to be when I grow up!

Ava DuVernay

Ava DuVernay

Fave quote: If your dream is only about you, it’s too small.

Why I love her: Ava DuVernay is a queen. She’s so full of talent and ambition and passion, it’s impossible to read about her or view her work and not get swept up in that.

Sofia Coppola

Fave quote: I’m always a sucker for a love story.

Why I love her: A lot of Sofia Coppola’s movies are about outsiders looking in and yearning to be part of something. I love that theme, especially as someone who writes for adolescents. That yearning is something almost everyone can relate to.

Haifaa al-Mansour

Haifaa al-Mansour

Fave quote: No one will give you change. You have to work for it.

Why I love her: Haifaa is the first female Saudi Arabian filmmaker, and an unstoppable, amazingly mellow force to be reckoned with. Watch her groundbreaking film Wadjda and I guarantee you’ll never look at a bicycle the same way again.

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A Day in the Life of Sandhya Menon:

8 AM: Awake. Puppy’s staring at me. Better let him out of kennel before Puppy Dog Eyes slay me to ribbons.

9 AM: Ivories have been brushed. Tea and/or coffee has been made. PJs have been traded for comfy jeans. 

9:30 AM: Stare at Twitter. Write something I feel is especially pithy. Right before I hit send, rearrange commas and other punctuation. 

9:31 AM: Crippling insecurity about my pithy tweet hits. WHY IS NO ONE RESPONDING?

9:32 AM: Open writing document to stop obsessing about my tweet.

9:33 AM: Peek at Twitter. Oh, good. People get it! They’re responding! No. Must turn off. Go back to work.

10:45 AM: This scene. It wants me to die. It hates me. My characters hate me. They’re all plotting behind my back. 

11:15 AM: Is it lunch time yet? Eh, why not?

1 PM: Watched wayyyy too much Supernatural while eating lunch. Need to get back to work.

1:25 PM: Well, that went by fast. I’m done for the day! Huzzah! 




5 PM: Oh, god. The trolls. Why am I on social media? Why did I read the comments?

6 PM: Shutting off the computer. That’s it. I’m done. Time to go be a human now.

8 PM: Twitter on my phone is not the same as Twitter on my computer!

9 PM: One more email…

10 PM: Supernatural! 

11 PM: Lights out. Hey, I actually had a weirdly productive day. (Says every writer everywhere every night.)

BONUS: Here are some pictures of my work space!

My view:

viw out the window

Ollie, my puppy. He’s very distracting…


My newest workspace addition:

Wall addition


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