Book List
Where Did the Parents Go?: 5 Books with Missing Parents
Being a teenager means sometimes wanting to get as far away from your parents as possible…but it also means realizing how much you need them. After all, they may not be the coolest humans, but they’re the ones that always have your back. If your parent were to go missing, you’d want to find them right? […] -
While We Wait for Black Tapes Season 3
I’m such a huge fan of Pacific Northwest Stories, but I have to admit I’m getting pretty impatient for Season 3 of The Black Tapes. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Pacific Northwest Radio, it’s a “news source” that’s actually completely fictional, and models itself after NPR. They currently have two horror podcasts, […] -
6 International Fairy Tale Retellings
Everyone knows the standard Disney fairy tales, you may even know the more violent collection from the Brother’s Grimm, but there are thousands upon thousands of fairy tales from all around the world. Each culture has a Cinderella-esque tale, with different moral lessons and cultural signifiers ingrained into it. Below is a list of retellings of fairy tales […] -
4 Books Sure to Inspire a Backpacking Adventure!
As spring break crawls away and you start daydreaming of summer, many of you will be planning your own vacations, begging your parents to go somewhere, or writing a mental list of places you wish you could go. Luckily, there’s no shortage of young adult books that can take you on an unforgettable journey to some truly amazing […] -
I Solemnly Swear That I am Up to No Good: Questionable Boarding School Activities
Because I’m a nerd, I love a good boarding school story. The setting is ripe for characters getting up to all sorts of trouble with the lack of adult supervision. Shades of Darkness, one of our current free reads (available until March 27th!), definitely takes this to the extreme, since the students at Islington are […]