When Harry Styles’ album came out, it became the number one album in just 9 minutes! Which makes perfect sense to me, because his album is amazing. So if you’re listening to Fine Line on repeat, like me, here are the perfect books to read while you do so.
The Perfect Books to Read While You Listen to Harry Styles’ Album on Repeat

Ok, so we’re starting out strong with P.S. I Still Love You. Lara Jean has finally admitted that she has real feelings for Peter K and she wants a real relationship. The thing about real relationships is that you risk actual heartbreak, which is exactly what LJ is afraid of (and honestly this is so relatable). Harry Styles clearly relates as he sings Golden, in which he sings about how he hopes his relationship will never end because he can’t imagine a world without loving his girlfriend.
2. Watermelon Sugar – Hungry Hearts edited by Elsie Chapman and Caroline Tung Richmond

If you listen to this song closely, you might discover that it’s about dining out, so to speak. What better book to read when listening to this food-themed song than Hungry Hearts, an anthology of food stories that will have you wanting to keep your hearts and bellies full!

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that when the music video for this song came out, we all wished we were a fish. Harry Styles’ friendship with a lonely fish was beautiful to watch as he repeatedly sang “I’d walk through fire for you, just let me adore you”. Well, Veronyka’s bond with her Phoenix in Crown of Feathers is the stuff of legends, and I think it’s safe to say that she’d walk through fire for her phoenix (and maybe a few other people as well).

I bet there are many interpretations to this song out there but every time I listen to it, I think of the journey to self-acceptance. Harry sings about shining and stepping into the light, while asking the listener the question: do you know who you are? Nima throughout Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens will learn the importance of self-expression in the colorful world of drag kings and queens. Dare I say, she’s ready to step into the light? Maybe a spotlight?

Cherry is Harry’s anthem to his ex, Camille and I truly believe that Pablo from Permanent Record, would listen to this song and relate. Pablo enters a whirlwind romance with an international popstar named Leanna Smart and as much as he loves her, there are definitely some real struggles to dating a celebrity. Like trying to avoid news about her in the tabloids because it’ll just make you jealous.

Ok. Real talk? I cried the first time I listened to this song. (And maybe the second time and every time, but that’s between us). Although Annabelle isn’t getting over a break up in A Heart in a Body in the World, she is coping with the loss of her boyfriend, for which she feels largely responsible. As Annabelle runs across the country, every mile brings her one step closer to healing and allowing love back into her life.
7. To Be So Lonely – The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett

Theo knows a thing about being lonely. Her dad is constantly leaving her behind to go on adventures, and to make things worse, he takes her ex with him. Talk about pouring salt into the wound. If I were Theo, I’d definitely have this song playing on repeat in my house.
8. She – Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare

This song is the perfect musical background while you read, Chain of Gold. James Herondale would probably relate to this song a lot, especially where his love for Grace is concerned. Barely any of his friends are aware of his love for her or that he dreams of one day marrying her.
9. Sunflower Vol. 6 – Run Away with Me by Mila Gray

In Sunflower Vol. 6, Harry is looking forward and making new happy memories. In Run Away with Me, Emerson and Jake and mending the wounds of their past and as they do so, they replace them with happier memories.
10. Canyon Moon – Start Here by Trish Doller

This is definitely a bittersweet song that will have you feeling a variety of emotions, just as in Start Here. This story follows two friends as they try to figure out if their friendship is worth saving after their best friend passes away, all while sailing down the east coast of America. They’re both looking back at the happy memories of their friendship, but everything has a bit of a sad edge to it. The one thing they know for certain is that nothing will ever be the same.
11. Treat People With Kindness – For Every One by Jason Reynolds

Jason Reynolds’ moving book, For Every One pairs perfectly with the message of Harry Styles’ Treat People With Kindness. Jason sends his message out into the world to everyone, telling us that we should dare to dream and fight for our dreams no matter how many times we are beaten down and told we can’t. Hearing Harry’s message as you read this powerful book will give you a bit of hope right now.
12. Fine Line – Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Fine Line gave me chills the first time I listened to it. This epic song about the highs and lows of a relationship is the perfect accompaniment to the epic love story that centers around Will, Tessa, and Jem in Clockwork Angel.