After seeing Beauty and the Beast, I knew I wanted Belle’s life—secret castle far away from everyone, talking household items fulfilling my every need, and an enormous library. Getting to kiss the prince was just a bonus! And the only way to be a princess like Belle was to dress the part.
But nothing lasts forever. Whether it was a growth spurt or my love of fruit punch, I had to give up my Belle dress for the pedestrian collection of clothes waiting in my unfortunately inanimate wardrobe. So I channeled my love for provincial French fairy tales into something more sustainable: reading. It’s likely that Disney Belle’s love of books is an homage to B&B’s original author, Gabrielle-Suzanne Bardot de Villeneuve, a noblewoman who defied social convention by earning her living from her writing. Regardless of who is telling this story, I wanted to read it. So for Princess Week, here is a list of Beauty and the Beast retellings that I have cultivated through the years. Did I miss any of your favorites? Let me know in the comments!